Thursday, May 29, 2008

Podcasts-Finally I know what they are!

I am really excited about this concept. I really did not know what podcast was and I constantly heard my favorite sports talk hosts imploring me to subscribe to their podcast. Well, I just did it. I explored and looked at some truly weird sites and podcasts. I found some which could be useful for teaching and coaching but I must confess I was really more into finding the podcasts I have subscribed to with my bloglines account. I am really looking forward to listening to these at my desk in the locker room while I take care of business at work. I do not even own an Ipod or Mp3 player or any other device besides my computer with which to listen to the podcasts. I guess that is going to have to changel. I have resisted all of these new technologies but I am quickly becoming engrossed with all of the possibilities.

1 comment:

Valentina Haggard said...

hey Richard,
so what did you need to get to figure out this podcast assignment? I took a video of myself from my camera and tried to download it into but it wouldn't work for me. do you think you could help me? thanks