Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Technorati is quite honestly a bit overwhelming for me. It seems like it is so massive in its scope that it would be very difficult to choose what to read and explore. The most popular tags: politics, celebrity news, Iraq, sport, football, music news, Barack Obama, music news, and united states are all contemporary issues which are distinctly fascinating for large segments of society.These tags make sense as the most frequently utilized and they do lead to some creative blogs. I guess if one spent enough time going through this site there are sure to be numerous interesting and enlightening writers expressing their thoughts about a multitude of topics. I wonder who has the time to do this? I also wonder about the people writing the blogs and how much credibility they deserve. Much like many of the new technolical programs and opportunities we have explored I believe this one will make more and more sense for me as I practice with it more extensively.

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